Add Ons

Please ensure you talk to the membership secretary before purchasing any of these items, as they are subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed.

Boat storage is limited to two boats per individual member or membership bundle if members join in a group.

Please note that boat storage is for one year and refunds are not usually given.  You will have the option to renew or cancel after each year.

NB Please log in to this site before making your online payment.

Our membership software will call this a "donation" during the purchase process. 
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* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
Phone (mobile)
*Date of Birth
If you would rather not give your birth date, would you please provide here at least an accurate year of birth.
BCC will use this to provide age group statistics to BCU which will help us obtain grants for equipment and clubhouse development.

Emergency contact details

Name (emergency contact)
Phone (emergency contact)
This should be someone who you're not generally paddling with!
*Amount (£GBP)
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software