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  • SEA: Combe Martin, N Devon (Intermediate)

SEA: Combe Martin, N Devon (Intermediate)

  • 22 Feb 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Combe Martin
  • 2


 Leader: Ashley
 Trip level:

Paddling east up the Bristol Channel along the Exmoor coast towards Heddon's Mouth.  There are no get-outs along this route which is why it's classed as Intermediate.  It's a very weak neap high tide at around lunch time.

Meet at 10:00 at Lower Kiln car park EX34 0DN which is close to the beach, w3w ///worthy.petulant.minority, grid SS 577 472.  There is a cheaper car park at https://w3w.co/package.trades.icebergs but it is small.  It can be a bit of a walk from both car parks and so dropping boats off at the beach can be helpful.  Recommend trolleys since there is a long carry when the tide is out even a little way.

You must satisfy yourself that this trip is suitable for you, that you are sufficiently experienced, able and willing to paddle at the advertised level. For detailed guidance, see trip categoristion. If in doubt, seek guidance from the advertised leader before registering.

You must register if you intend to come. Places are restricted in an effort to maintain an acceptable leader/participant ratio. When the list is full names can still be registered as reserves and the leader will notify you if you may join the trip.

If you change your mind, that's okay! But please contact the leader and the trips officer as soon as you know so that someone else can register in your place. 

If you want to know more about how trips are conducted see trip routine.

You must bring suitable equipment or make arrangements for someone to bring it for you (eg. kayak). See what to bring.

You are advised to book a club boat, if you don't have your own.  Choose the boat most suited to you and then write the booking on the white board in the club basement store.

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